Fauxchét® Barefoot Sandals

Skill level: Beginner

Finished size: One size

Yarn: 1 oz. worsted 100% cotton yarn, .5 oz. denim blue (A) and .5 oz. cream (B)

Yarn Tool: easyloop® fauxchet® yarn tool

Extras: Six 1 inch plastic bone rings; 4 large-holed pony beads (for ends of straps).


Tool tension: Using the easyloop® fauxchet® yarn tool, PULL NEEDLE BACK 1 inch and PUSH NEEDLE INTO LOOP 1 inch.

Gauge: Gauge isn’t critical for this project.

Stitches used: Chain Stitch; Slip Stitch; Double Slip Stitch. The Fauxchét® Double Slip Stitch is a variation of the Slip Stitch except, insert the tool into the FRONT and BACK LOOPS of each stitch; Single Fauxchét® Edge Stitch.

Visit www.fauxchet.com for how-to videos of the stitches used in this pattern.


To begin: Begin by threading the easyloop® yarn tool with YARN A. After threading tool, pull yarn so there is 6 inches of yarn between needle tip and yarn end.

Circle A (make 4) Row/Round 1: With YARN A, insert tool into the center of a 1 inch plastic bone ring (as in the SINGLE FAUXCHET® EDGING technique taught in The Art of Fauxchet® E-Book) and create 1 SINGLE FAUXCHET® STITCH, pulling on the yarn end to tighten (securing the stitch to the bone ring). Note: You will be working from the wrong side of the finished circles while stitching. Circles will be turned over to the right side before assembling the circles.

Create 19 more SINGLE FAUXCHET® STITCHES into the center of the ring. (Note: At end of round do not turn work, do not make a turning stitch.)

Row/Round 2: Create the DOUBLE SLIP STITCH (insert tool through front and back loops of stitch) into every stitch of row/round. At end of row/round, fasten off with 1 extra chain stitch into the last stitch you made. Cut yarn, leaving a 6 inch tail of yarn at ends.

Finishing: Pull yarn end to tighten and weave loose yarn ends in.

Repeat Steps for CIRCLE A three more times with YARN A (for a total of 4 circles, plastic bone rings covered with YARN A, denim).

Circle B (make 2): Thread easyloop® tool with YARN B and insert tool into the center of a 1 inch plastic bone ring and create 1 SINGLE FAUXCHET® STITCH, pulling on the yarn end to tighten (securing the stitch to the bone ring).

Create 19 more SINGLE FAUXCHET® STITCHES into the center of the ring. Fasten off with 1 extra chain stitch into the last stitch you made. Cut yarn, leaving a 6 inch tail of yarn at ends.

Finishing: Pull yarn end to tighten and weave loose yarn ends in.

Repeat Steps for CIRCLE B one more time with YARN B (for a total of 2 circles, plastic bone rings covered with YARN B, cream).

Circle Assembly: To join the circles, thread yarn tool with YARN A. Join one CIRCLE A and one CIRCLE B, twice, once for each sandal (as shown). Turn circles over with right sides facing up. Join the completed circles to each other using the SEAMING technique taught in The Art of Fauxchet® Book. Align both the front and back loops of the stitches you are joining and secure with a DOUBLE SLIP STITCH (inserting tool through front and back loops of the stitch). End work by fastening off with 1 extra chain stitch into the last stitch you made. Cut yarn, leaving a 6 inch tail of yarn at ends.

Finishing: Pull yarn end to tighten and weave loose yarn ends in.

Toe straps (make 2): Thread easyloop® tool with YARN A and insert into the front and back loops of a stitch on a remaining unassembled CIRCLE B and secure with a SLIP STITCH. Chain 20 stitches, creating tighter stitches than normally recommended, to create a tightly stitched chain strap. End work by inserting tool into the first stitch of the toe strap chain and secure with a SLIP STITCH. Fasten off with 1 extra chain stitch into the last stitch you made (creating a loop). Cut yarn, leaving a 6 inch tail of yarn at ends.

Finishing: Pull yarn end to tighten and weave loose yarn ends in.

Toe strap assembly: Thread yarn tool with YARN A and Secure the toe straps, twice, once for each sandal, to each CIRCLE A. Secure the TOE STRAPS to each CIRCLE A by using the SEAMING technique taught in The Art of Fauxchet® Book and aligning both the front and back loops of the stitches you are joining and secure with a DOUBLE SLIP STITCH. End work by fastening off with 1 extra chain stitch into the last stitch you made. Cut yarn, leaving a 6 inch tail of yarn at ends.

Finishing: Pull yarn end to tighten and weave loose yarn ends in.

three-circlesAttaching toe strap assembly: Attach the toe strap assembly to the 2 joined CIRCLES A and B by securing with the SEAMING TECHNIQUE using one DOUBLE SLIP STITCH through both front and back loops of the stitch you are attaching to.

Joining circle pieces: Join CIRCLE A and TOE STRAP to CIRCLES A and B by using the CIRCLE ASSEMBLY technique as learned above, attach the JOINED CIRCLE A and B, twice, once for each sandal, to the other CIRCLE A with the TOE STRAP attached, completing the circle assembly.


three-circles-with-strapAnkle straps (make 2): Thread easyloop® tool with YARN A and Chain 160 stitches, creating tight consistent sized stitches. End work by fastening off with 1 extra chain stitch into the last stitch you made creating a chain stitch strap.

Finishing: Cut yarn, pull yarn end to tighten and trim ends to 1 inch in length.

Attaching ankle straps: Attach the ankle straps to the 3 joined circles with toe strap attached by threading the straps through both the front and back loops of the stitch at the top of the top denim blue circle. Pull the ankle strap through the stitch until the straps are even in length.

Attaching beads: Thread the 4 large holed beads onto the ends of each ankle strap. Tie two or three knots at the ends of the straps, just below the beads, to secure the beads to the straps. ♦

The fauxchét barefoot sandals are made with the easyloop® fauxchét® yarn tool. The basic stitches and techniques can be learned in The Art of Fauxchét® E-Book. A link to download the E-BOOK, our how-to videos, and a written instruction booklet to get you started (with easy scarf patterns) are included with the easyloop® fauxchét® yarn tool.